
So our buyer's valuation survey said that the house didn't meet the lender's criteria. The front wall may be about to fall down. Amongst many other issues.
Their structural survey hadn't shown up half as many problems. That surveyor said it just needed pinning.
They appealed and the lender said they had to investigate the front wall further.
They had builders come up and look and the verdict was the front just needs pinning and then re-rendering. Not a big job.
They were happy to go ahead.
All this was ongoing throughout our holiday.
On the day we got home our buyers emailed to say they were pulling out.
What a monument waste of time and money.
Although after all the months of faff it's almost a relief that it's over.
The house we were trying to buy went back on the market yesterday. 
So we're right back where we started in April and a few thousand pounds worse off.
And we have a lot less furniture because I sold loads of it because it wouldn't fit in our new house.
And we'll be homeless in ten days if our landlady won't let us stay on here.
And I'm not sure if we can live in our own house whilst building works are ongoing.
What a mess!
But yesterday's trip to A&E has put things in perspective really. There are more important things than moving house.
And, as someone very wise recently told me, what's meant for you won't go by you.

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