An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Anniversary D!


Twenty-six happy years gone by in a flash!   

Day started normally enough but didn't end quite as planned.

D left for work leaving my anniversary card on my bedside table (there's a card shop in St Andrews that he likes and it's obvious his taste in cards doesn't change as I've had the same valentine card on two separate years and now the same anniversary card :-))))

Alan was still asleep when I came downstairs so I set about getting organised for our friend's Drew and Audrey's visit for lunch tomorrow.  I was aware that I didn't feel particularly great but put it down to the stresses and strain of the last couple of weeks and got on with things.

The Tesco order arrived and that got put away, then Alan was up and looking for lunch, so set about organising that (to my delight, for the second day in a row he has eaten a huge lunch -  2 large tins Heinz macaroni cheese, a 1kg carton of Ambrosia custard and a large packet of chocolate buttons as well as drinking about a pint of milk!!! )

The afternoon was spent at a more leisurely pace as I became more and more aware that I wasn't 100%.   I was getting quite breathless, even when sitting still, dull ache in chest, feeling faint, slightly nauseous.  Of course I googled my symptoms and found it could be anything from allergic reaction, to mild stress to a heart attack!!

Gave Alan his dinner and Ed kindly hung around till David got home.  Still didn't feel great so phoned NHS 24 for advice.  Of course I should have known it would end up in me being told to head to the nearest A&E!

David took me to PRI and I was seen very quickly by an amazing team.  David was gobsmacked by how young the doctor looked and even more astounded to learn he's married and about to be a dad!  Sure sign we're getting old!  :-))

BP check, blood test, ECG, chest X-ray.  After questioning me the Doc was less concerned about my heart and more concerned it might be a blood clot on my lung possibly brought on by the long journey home from France, where I was sat in a car for may hours over two days.

The ECG and blood tests were negative and the chest x ray clear but they decided to keep me in overnight and repeat the blood tests and ECG in the morning.

David headed home to get me an overnight bag and I was carted up to the ward around 10.30pm.  Saw Doc who confirmed all tests so far have come back normal which is good.

D returned with my bag of goodies and I finally got into bed at 1.10am.

Spookily, not the first time I've spend my wedding anniversary in hospital!

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