A hot summer day again. Tomorrow the forecast says it will be even hotter.
Piet Hein had a doctor's appointment in the early morning. Everything is ok.
A relief of course. With the help of pills he can become 100 years old.
After lunch and a rest we drove to Wüllmersen, not far away, and there we walked in the shadow of trees along the Holzape, a little brook.
We started at one side and came back, after crossing it, at the other side.
A wonderful walk, quiet and a bit mysterious too.

My haiku:

Spider in your web
A life full of waiting and
Hoping and musing

And the proverb:

Once a use and ever a custom.

1594-95  Shakespeare   Two Gent.

Youregon1 is hosting the thursday abstract challenge. I'am in!

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