A Walk Around Mackworth Island

Dear Diary,

This day could be filed under, "If at first you don't succeed...."  Karen and I drove to Mackworth Island in Falmouth, Maine but the tiny parking area on the island was full so we were turned away.  We spent some time driving around trying to think of something else to do and then I got the notion that we should just drive back and try again.  Success! 

My elation soon turn to disappointment when I discovered that I'd left my camera at home!  Ugh!  I had to resort to using her cell phone camera which I couldn't manage very well so I decided to create a painting of the scene from the less than perfect photo.  This view of the harbor and islands is one I would have loved to paint back in the day when I did such things so it will do.  It is an amazing place to walk and photograph and it was a perfect day so the experience was far greater than the image.

My extra photo is of one of the charming fairy houses that dot the island.  It even has a fairy village of a dozen or more houses.  Karen took this photograph for me and I love its tiny arch and walkway flanked by pine cone "shrubs"...very creative and fun.

We had our annual lunch at DiMillo's in Portland's Old Port and on our way home picked up the first sweet corn of the season.  This day reminded me that it is the experience that matters most and although the photographs are nice it is the friendship, laughs, and memories we shared that are most important.

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