Little Hummingbird Moth

Dear Diary,

We had a brief rain barely wet the ground.  I wanted to photograph something in the garden but everything is so stressed from lack of rain.  Finally, this little Hummingbird Moth volunteered at the phlox.  I was able to get a good side view that shows his transparent wings, antennae, and little eye.  I was pleased with it.

Unfortunately, the heat returns today.  It will be in the low 90'sF.  Very unpleasant.  Matt and I, mostly Matt, got a lot of things done yesterday so I am content to spend the day on the porch, if it doesn't get too hot out there.  This is the time of year I would start getting those "back to school" dreams.  Strangely,  even though I have been retired six years, I still dream of school once in awhile.  I guess when something was as big a part of your life as teaching was for me then it will always be with you.

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