horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Oi Orpheus, I'm over 'ere!

Ah, how the gods play with us.

Great night seeing (and taking photos of) About Turn's working of Gluck's Orpheus & Eurydice. Bear with me while I briefly explain how this comes about (as I did the same last year for Dido and Aeneas by the same company). Basically 4 years ago I wound up watching a show by them entirely on my tod, and after snapping a shot of the supremely talented Dan Hyde singing I thought I might as well send him the pic - and there began a Facebook friendship that lead to me shooting the technical rehearsal of Dido and Aeneas last year; and the third (I think) performance of this year's show (that's the short version).

Tonight's show was bloody superb too. I met Seb, the director, beforehand by chance, and we chatted about the show and the Fringe, then Dan arrived, and it was all go (they get roughly ten minutes to turn around the stage, but the show beforehand over-ran). Sat there worrying that I might be spoiling the viewing for the people two seats down with the camera snapping, I was more selective, but happy with the range of shots. We'll see if one winds up in a Classical Music mag as one from last year did recently!

Slightly odd goings on at work today, but the night saved the day.

(was torn between this shot and the extra)

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