
Miss E came into my room this morning at 9am and said "you can't stay in bed all day you know!!!" It did make me laugh!
I managed another half hour drinking my tea and listening to the radio while she made herself some crumpets and watched the documentary about the Atlantic again. She's ace!!
When I eventually dragged myself out of my lovely comfy bed got up Miss L and I ate a pineapple between us and pottered around until it was time to go to Mrs C's.
We had a lovely afternoon. The children all took themselves off somewhere and Mrs C and I drank tea, chatted and looked at gites. My new favourite hobby!!
Miss L's swimming went well again and then I went to Fat Club to discover I've lost two and a half pounds. Woohoo!! 
To celebrate I've eaten tortellini with chargrilled vegetable sauce. And a peppermint Aero and a delicious rice pudding. 
And a peanut butter Kitkat.
Well I did go to the gym after weighing in!
I overdid it a bit and felt so wobbly when I got off the exercise bike. I thought I was going to collapse in a heap!!

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