The Verge

The Little Misses were at their sleepover at Nana and Papa's and Mr K took himself off to work so I had a rare - and much needed - day to myself. 
What did I do with my precious alone time? 
Yoga? Reading? Cooking? A bit of Indian head massage?
No I tidied the living room.
Almost completely!
I did have a bit of a lie in and I did intersperse my tidying with a bit of TV and internet but essentially I spent the day pulling out all the furniture to dust and hoover underneath and behind, dusting, filling bin bags and recycling bins, and ferrying stuff around the house from the living room to where it should actually live.
I have to laugh at myself being pleased at almost tidying one room in a whole day!! 
At about 4pm I headed over to Bicester to collect the Little Misses. It was lovely to see them. For the first time last night I felt uneasy about them not being here. It didn't feel right and I hardly slept.
But obviously they were fine and had a fabulous time with Nana and Papa. 
They went to the pub we go to by the river in Oxford, had a scrummy roast dinner and as usual went for a dip in the Thames afterwards. In their swimming costumes which is makes a change from their knickers!!
I was hoping they'd fall asleep on the way home but annoyingly they didn't. Even more annoyingly, when we got home at 7.30pm they announced they hadn't had dinner just when I wanted to collapse in a heap on my newly cleared sofa. They had dinner of cheese strings, apple and museli bars, cleaned their teeth for the third time and went to their beds.
I spent the rest of the evening looking at gites (there isn't a house to rent in Northern France that I haven't considered for our holiday next Summer!!), watching the Celebrity Masterchef final and drooling over Mr K's fish and chips as I ate my bowl of salad. And thought uncharitable thoughts!!

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