Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Oh,What A Night!

I had an unexpectedly slow start to the day. The show we were packing for was only about 6 miles away AND we weren't allowed onto the showfield until 3pm. 3pm? We like to arrive at lunchtime and have plenty of time to set up before our evening meal.

So, anyhow, we got the marquee up and realised there was no rush because the show didn't open until 11am tomorrow. Time for a sit down with a whisky, I thought. The sitting down on a nice sunny afternoon was nice so we had a couple more. Time for tea now so The Man went looking for a tap.

I phoned the show organiser." No, there is no water in that field, you have to be self-sufficient!" 
"But when we booked the show we weren't told we would have to bring our own water!"
"There's a stream, you could collect water and boil it."
"Yeah! I don't think so."

The Studio tap was only 2 miles away but we had all been drinking! So, we went back up to the landowners yard to look for a tap. (We had seen one when we were here yesterday, but that had no running water.) Thankfully the toilets in the yard were open and there was a utility tap we could use our hose connectors on. Not ideal, but we would be boiling it anyhow.

Just in and the heavens opened! No shortage of water now! The Mate had gone into his Defender Dormobile to organise his bed. It was so wet he couldn't get out and walk a few metres to the caravan! Wet, wet, very wet! I phoned him, tea was ready, he would make a dash for it!

So, now, we have eaten, we have watched a film, we have had some more drinks. Now it's bedtime for me, an early night. Finishing my last drink. The rain is still pouring on the folk who are in the next field watching Saturday Night Fever at Picnic Cinema.

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