Lali's World

By Lali


I woke up tired and just a tiny bit hangover after just about four hours of sleep. As a result, I was feeling really tired all day. Thank god I was on office duty, otherwise it would have been hard to keep that smile going.

Walking down the Royal Mile there was this statue that lifted her skirt if you put money in the pot. I put the money in the pot, but my camera was not ready when she lifted the skirt, so I missed the moment. It really annoyed me, as I had put money in the pot and the light was perfect from the angle I wanted to take it. She didn't put the skirt up again. I started walking down the road disappointed and then turned round to realise that she had lifted it again. I took a quick photo but then I was further away and I was not happy about the angle I was taking it from, but hey, this is the best I could manage after being nice enough to put money in the pot. So much for being nice! Never mind...

The Devil's Fiddle puppet in my extras.

I pretty much had my dinner and went to bed after finishing processing my photos of the Lady Boys last night. I was so tired!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I'm so behind with commenting, that I don't even know where to start...

Off tomorrow (Monday, this is a back blip) and busy week ahead as I have another cake to make!

I hope you had a good weekend! :)

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