Still under the weather??!!

Yesterday I was feeling a little bit under the weather.

This morning I wasn’t feeling much better.  I went for a little walk along the lane I had another runny poo and then we went to the newsagents.  And when we got home I didn’t want my breakfast.  I just went back into my bed for a little snooze.

However, by this afternoon I’d perked up a bit and had eaten half of my breakfast.  We went down the ‘secret path’, along part of the coast path, around town and ended up at the ‘Garden Bar’ at Porthminster Beach.

Ann said, ‘Molly shall we sit down and have a rest?  I’ll have a glass of wine and you can have some water and we’ll take some photos and faff about for a bit.’

Well.........................  Ann’s ‘large’ glass of wine was very large even for her.  Obviously the staff  haven’t been trained properly. LOL!!!  So I had to lie and wait for ages while she drank it??!!!

Home............... And I’ve gobbled up all of my dinner so Ann is happy that I’m no longer ‘under the weather’.

A night in front of ‘Corrie’ & EastEnders’ beckons!!!

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