Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Well it’s raining alright!   All good, except for the fact of coming and going.  Tatum’s  family got here on the early ferry before all the rest were cancelled due to “severe weather”.  Whew!  Except that one girlfriend was to leave late afternoon - her parents were to meet her in Vancouver.   Not going to happen.    Early tomorrow …we hope.  (the girls aren’t too upset… don’t know about the parents, who drove from Seattle to pick her up.….)  Almost all of Seattle is out of power we hear, including our condo, but so far so good here in the Gulf Islands.  So I thot I’d throw up a blip while I can..before dinner.    The girls got mobilized to go outside after 4:00 today  (later every day) —and then it really started to rain!   This storm is an amazing change!

Earlier H and I got a walk in and went by our island’s public dock to check on it  (on the map) and the wind in Montague Harbor (You can appreciate some white caps I think, but it’s worse now) AND I need a “leading lines” blip for the weekly challenge so I’m just going with this grey picture…

Fiona and Maple Sugar and loaded boat in the extra...

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