
A showery day for my day off.
After some shopping in Broughty Ferry we came home and as the weather was looking a bit unpredictable we decided to take Maeve a short walk down the bridle path.
I haven't been down this way for a while and it was sad to see the little lodge at the gates to the big property Liz McColgan used to own looking so derelict.Wondering what the big house was looking like now we pushed open the gate and had a wander round the grounds.The big house like the lodge is now all boarded up with metal plates on all the downstairs windows and signs saying that all valuables have been removed.What a sorry sight and I can't see it attracting a buyer in the near future :-(
We headed for the cycle path then home before the heavy rain started.
I liked the strong shapes in this image that I got on one of the piers at Broughty Ferry.

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