
My alarm went off and I lay in bed snug and warm, but I knew it was cold outside. I decided to ignore the tingling sensation of another sore throat. Sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks.

I didn't realise just how cold until I stepped out. I couldn't get out my front gate because the latch was completely frozen up. A hefty blow sorted that. Ice everywhere and a careful drive to my meeting point.

Even with one my tramping mate's 4-wheel drive, it was a slow drive to the start of our wander up Mt Herbert. More snow, more ice....

We started in bush but once into the sun we could strip off layers. In my case 3 layers of wool. A nor'easterly can sometimes be as cold as a southerly. And that's the way today went.

No wind, then a cool breeze, soon a cold wind with cloud covering the upper third. Not much in the way of views from the shelter below the summit but a few peaks of distant mountains and plains.

I don't seem any the worse for my 5+ hours of fun but I'll keep dosing those pesky bugs.

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