Constant Exposure

By constant

Rose Tinted Glass

I enjoyed that you all got a kick out of yesterday's iPhone blip. It was also great to get some app suggestions. By far my favourite iPhone feature so far is being able to put a bunch of my photos on it. I can see myself getting very attached already.

The other draw back is iTunes right now. They have my credit card, I'm afraid. Tonight I've taken a trip back down memory lane and purchased most of all the ELO albums I used to have. As a kid, from the age of 11 till about 18, I listened to "Out of the Blue" and "Discovery" more times than all other albums combined. The only other album that came close was "Rumours". Oh God, I'll have to get that album too!

I also gave Kim her Birthday present early. She is off for the weekend with her girl friends. In Vegas! I think there is about 10 of them going. I'm glad I'm staying home. :) I'll blip on Sunday what the present was. It was something I alluded to a while back but couldn't really talk about as Kim follows my blips. It was something I found out about from other blippers and inspired by Kim's Birthday present to me. Full details on Sunday, Kim's Birthday.

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