
All I’ve heard this afternoon is, ‘Molly NO’.

 I went for my walk on the dunes at Hayle.  I’m not allowed on the beach here until the 1st October but there were loads of interesting things happening today and I wanted to go chasing. 

This afternoon I was all happy and bouncy.  Ann said, ‘Molly, you’re very full of beans today aren’t you?’  Well I don’t really know what ‘full of beans’ means?!!  I never, ever eat beans so how can I be full of them???

Anyway, first I spotted all these wind surfers in the sea.  Wind surfers are great things for chasing.  I thought about zooming down on to the beach but before I’d even got myself into ‘chase mode’, Ann said, ‘Molly NO’.

So we walked a little bit further and I spotted the life guard on his quad bike.  I love chasing life guards on quad bikes.  I’m ever so clever because when I chase life guards on their quad bikes I’m always able to make them stop and wait until Ann catches up with me.  They’ve obviously been trained what to do when naughty dogs chase them.  I hate the way Ann knows what I’m thinking before I’ve even thunk it??  Today she said, ‘Molly, NO’ before I’d even looked at the route down to the beach.

And then we walked inland on the dunes where all the bunnies live.  And guess what?...............  I was allowed to go chasing but only because Ann knows I’m not speedy enough to catch any bunnies.

Exhausted now!!!

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