Glimpses of Blackheath 1

Okay. I am a blipper with a plan. If I am gonna do this everyday I need a strategy for the BDTs (Blip Desperation Times). I already have my "Kitchen Art" fall back. Now I have my "Glimpses of Blackheath" as well. I am gonna show you my town ... one nail, one plant, one building and (if need be) one PADLOCK at a time. I figure that'll give me blips enough to see me through to one of those red flashy camera icon thingies you get for 1000 blips or more ... I really like those and I WANT one.

Okay here's the first Blackheath glimpse - no yawning please in the back row !!

Like most photographers and ESPECIALLY like most blippers, I LOVE decay. Can't get enough rust, bubbling paint and rotting timber to ever be truly satisfied. I saw this padlock protecting some rusting steel case on the railway fence near Blackheath Station. Heaven only knows what's inside but I don't think anyone can have seen it for 15 years or so.

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