A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Don't get excited...

Nope - I'm not holding a ring up because something exciting has happened. It was just because I cleaned all of my jewellery today and this particular ring, which is my favourite, came up especially bright and shiny!

My mum bought me this about 15 years ago - she was going to give me her original engagement ring for my 21st - a sapphire and diamond solitaire I think it was - but some thieving little scrote broke into her house a few weeks before and took a load of her jewellery (- Mum, do I remember something about seeing the little sod climbing out of the window or something - its all so long ago!). Anyway, mum bought me this instead, from our favourite jewellers (that sounds really middle class and posh, but its not meant to be!!!) and it always makes me think of my mum when I see it.

Today also saw a brief trip to warrington on the train - mine and James' return fare cost less than it would to park in town, and it only took 4 minutes from our station to Warrington - which beats driving which with Saturday traffic would have taken at least half an hour. It was an eye opener!

Trip to Birchwood to see a brass band that Corin knows a couple of the people who play in it - however, we missed them. However, James did blip the Remembrance poppies at the War Memorial - I'll post a link in a minute when I've posted his blip for him (as he has disappeared to play on his PS2 now!). James' blip is here

Links to other pictures today

jewellery and poppies

James, being Bond - number 1

James, being Bond - number 2

James spent his afternoon dressed up in his best suit (for weddings!) running around pretending to be James Bond. We even got treated to a performance, where he incorporated credits and footage from Bond films on DVD as part of a "live action" display in the front room. Suffice it to say his suit needs a bloody good wash now!!!

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