
By RadioGirl

Cream First or Jam First?

I had a delightful afternoon and evening in the company of my lovely friends Lynda and Andrew at their cottage in deepest Oxfordshire.  The excuse reason for them throwing an "at-home" for some of their friends was the launch of Lynda's latest novel Fifty Shades of Roxie Brown, which I wish her huge success with.

Lynda and Andrew had taken great care to research which locally-made scones were the very best for their guests, and the ones they finally chose were superb, as was the genuine clotted cream and delicious Bonne Maman strawberry conserve.  We had the inevitable debate about which order of piling them onto the scones was the Cornish way, and which the Devonshire way.  I always spread the cream on first and dollop the jam on top of that, and a little research has confirmed that this is the way it's done in Devon.  Apologies to my friend Ruth who lives in Penzance, but this is the way I've always done it.......

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