
By BikerJim

~India Fig Prickly Pear~

~Opuntia ficus-indica~

I planted a pad of this cactus from a friends plant, about 3 years ago.
It has grow from a 10 inch pad into this 7 foot imposing giant.
This is a photograph the topmost growth, and it has a spread of 4 feet.
The original pad was small, about 10 inches high and 6 inches wide.
It now bears fruit, shelters rabbits, squirrels and feeds birds.
I have seen these cactus grow up to 15 or 20 feet tall and 10 wide.
Gosh, I sure hope I didn't plant it to close to my back wall?
I probably did plant it to close, guess I'll have to move the wall!

Thanks for returning to my backyard again.

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Epilogue #3

The previous two epilogues were done in a pros and cons format, regarding my thoughts and experiences in the world of the Blip. I'm not sure this style is working for me, too much of a plus and minus feel to it. I think that I will just start writing down random thoughts. These thoughts maybe connected ideas or disjointed ramblings, ok with you?

There are things in my life that I have been neglecting, to my detriment. One of the major ones is my religion and church. I use to attend scripture study every Friday morning at 7 a.m. sharp. But when I stay up till 1 or 2 in the morning working in Photoshop, it's real hard to get up at 5 and be intelligent and witty by 7. So when my 365 is reached I will happily go back to my Friday morning group. Also, I have mentioned before that I am the caretaker of some 20 bronze sculptures at my church's desert garden. I have got to admit, those statues are getting a bit dingy and bird soiled. It takes me about one and a half hours to clean one statue, but it's a labor I love and is sorely miss. There are a 'few' other things I've neglected recently, my house is not very clean (tho I'm a bachelor, so who cares), Rio tries to bit me when I come home (I don't think he recognizes me anymore), I'm eating out far, far too much (getting a little husky now days),
and I haven't bathed in about 8 months, maybe 9!!!
Hey, just kidding about that last one, give me a break.

Oh yes, I went to the local craft fair today. Talked to some photographers who were exhibiting there, a couple of whom I knew from my photo club. Asked a few questions about selling photos and getting started hocking my wares. The next fair is in the early spring. I have to start printing, matting and generally getting my act together. Looks like I'm going to jump in and test the waters. It's new to me, but one of the exhibitors had a Digital Picture Frame setup on his table, so instead of buyer flipping through prints, they just stand and look at them on the DPF. Pretty cool idea, and looks snazzy, too!

By the way, you know I don't expect you Blippers to read any of this stuff. I guess I could have told you that earlier, before you read any of this stuff. Clever of me to put this proviso at the end, hehe!!

Most of what I'm writing here is just for my own sake. to help me get my hopes, thoughts and dreams in some kind of coherent order. Three sixty-five is coming soon, I want to have all my ducks in a row. And if you know anything regarding ducks, you know those little quackers don't like to be in rows!

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