Chick Flick

By Flick

Poor Old Henry

Back at the Magnetised hospital today but only because this is where the out of hours service for GP's is located . Henry has Hand Foot and Mouth disease and a terrible sore throat and ear infection for which he was prescribed anti-biotics ... the HF&M disease is a vrus nd untreatable ... Poor H... I had never heard of this disease 'till now , just goes to show you learn something new every day .
I am quite sue that henry's spread out over three chairs in the waiting room caused him to be seen earlier than everyone else waiting so tip for the future parents either that or they thought 'Oh NO not them AGAIN'

Later Shy and I had the best chinese meal of our lives as a pre birthday treat for my old man... the pint of lager caused me to fall asleep even earlier than normal and fail to post.

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