On My Way Home, As Usual

Shot on the A17.

I'd taken three shots at school, and then I managed a rainbow a few minutes before this shot, but this one describes 'it' best.  Yes, went to work, worked, went back home.  I must say, though, even if only for the blog, that it was quite a good day.

Not much else to report except maybe the fact that some colleagues (two Lithuanians and one Chinese) and I are planning a couple of dinners and couple of lunches.  The four of us are now comparing schedules and looking at appointments and such so that we can really go out.  Aside from that, an Irish colleague now also wants to go out.  I'm to visit her first and then she wants to visit me.  In the meantime, an American colleague has invited the Business Comm group, to which I belong, to a cocktail hour at her place to celebrate her doctoral degree and the fact that she also passed the Dutch State Exams (don't know which subject).  Clearly, everyone wants to live it up after office hours.

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