Shortest Day

A day of many moods, quiet and solemn when the sun was supposed to rise - I couldn't see it, the clouds were thick and heavy as I ambled along the beach. It was calm, with icy blue reflections on the estuary as the tide was heading out, sending out vibes that winter is still with us. Terns, shags, herons, spoonbills, ducks of various kinds and gulls all feeding quietly.

Then a break in the cloud revealed small pockets of blue sky - I thought I would amble a little longer. The sky became brightly lit with a soft tinge round the clouds out to the west, I could see a little snow on the mountains. But looking north the sky was full of drama as layers of cloud rolled in from the sea searching for a place to rest as it hovered between the estuary and the Pacific Ocean. The birds let out strong calls and flew madly around as the sun shone down on the water, ducking and diving catching whatever they could, while all remained calm from where I stood.

Throughout the day big rolling clouds came through against a bright blue sky - one reminded me of a spaceship hovering over my neighbours house. Its been mild and pleasant for the shortest day of the year :)

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