Selfportrait with a difference

2years 244days, 32months

Some blipfriends set a mini thursday challenge, and this week's theme was selfportrait, with a difference. So, clearly, it had to include me. As Katie's journal, it should include her. No problem. But the with a difference?! To get anything by our leaving time of 7am this morning, in our biking gear was the closest we got to "with a difference".

She's at nursery today, and wasnt massively amused by the idea. But i'm sure she'll have fun once she allows herself to. Wobbling on the nursery choice, so she's going for a trial at the other option tomorrow.

Grannygrandad are coming round for tea tonight - Katie had decided Grandad was taking her to the park. Looking at the weather (the rain is bouning off the pool cover) wellybobs and puddle jumping are more likely.

Katie at 32months:

*can write her own name
*is recognising more numbers
*now knows silver and gold with her normal colours
*can sort by size, shape, colour and loves doing so in her "maths" book
*makes her own breakfast, including cleans up spills
*has a mammoth sleep once a week, going to bed about 4pm
*is dropping her daytime nap
*has now left her first, much loved nursery, to many tears
*has been "driven" on 4different bikes in the past month

*Wiggles Show!
*day at a new nursery
*day with a nanny
*day in preschool
*bridesmaid at a wedding

*to wear "one butterfly one red" odd shoes
*her jammies
*playing with LittleFriend
*the new swimming pond
*Grandad splashing her in the pool
*being back at gymnastics after break for mummy's exams
*pizza, crumpets

*not seeing her old nursery friends
*pizza crumpets

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