But for the tail...

this little guy might be treated more like a rat. He is a rodent after all. But oh so cute and fluffy because of that gorgeous tail.

I am taking it easy today. I spent over an hour sitting on the deck taking photos and slow motion videos. I haven't yet figured out how to process the videos but if I get one up on Vimeo I'll add a note to this journal entry.

At one point this little squirrel sat up and looked up into the sky. Above circling was a red tailed hawk. No slouch this squirrel. He kept an eye on that hawk until it was far off in the distance.

Quiet day today. I find I am mot very motivated at all. So I've decided to go with my mood and just diddle daddle around today. Works for me. Arvin will be home around three and then I'll consider what to do next. Have a peaceful day and evening.

Here is the video I uploaded to Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/140115900

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