
By AnnieBScotland

last chance blip!

muuuum - can you do me a favour....

flying visit from no 1 daughter, home from London for a wedding , only in the house five minutes when she was shouting for me to help cut to size a pair of insoles for the killer heels - slightly too big but what the hell she wanted them! took this blip just in case and nothing better with time running out!!!

rain like stair rods all day - poor Heather, Katie's friend who planned her wedding for the open air at midsummer [ at the roof garden, see yesterday]. planned to go and take some photos, but no way was the bride going to be seen outdoors! thought about some more wet flowers, missed a chance earlier, no camera, tried some snails but not as good as others in the last few days and nothing else of note in the time I had so this is it!

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