Passed its Best

I didn't get a very good nights sleep because of my sore back. It was lucky someone cancelled their appointment with the guy I go to when my back is sore. As I arrived at the place I heard on the radio there had been a bit of a shake in the city.. earthquake. Not a very big one but it gave people a bit of a jolt. We haven't felt any for a while thank goodness.

The guy I see is a little like a Osteopath, I think he was trained as one. Not sure what you would call him. He calls himself a Sprinal Health. You are only in there for a only there for a few minutes. It is amazing how he can help. My back was well and truly out he said and if its no better by Monday come back and see him again.

I am not feeling that great yet but can manage to do a few things. My afternoon was spent taking a few photos in the garden and reading a book. So not very exciting!

This lovely tulip is just about finished flowering because of the wonderful sunshine we have been having recently. I still have a few more tulips to come out yet. That wind is still very cold.

My friend is all excited today as her daughter went into labour late this afternoon. This will be her second grandson and her sons baby is expected in November. They don't know what if its a girl or boy as they want a surprise.

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