Today's Special

By Connections

Looking Up

I liked the high drama of this Japanese Anemone bloom and bud in our front yard today, which I intentionally underexposed in the bright sunlight. My son W and I were outside to greet all the spiders gracing the area with their elaborate webs, and I was tempted to blip one of them, but the spotlight on this flower won out.

W and I enjoyed leisurely time together looking at old photos and talking about books, travel possibilities, families, moves, work, and much more before his return by bus to Seattle in late afternoon. His visit could not have come at a more opportune time, providing an ideal diversion from the repercussions of my fall on Monday.

I removed the bandage from the cut on my forehead this afternoon, an easy procedure, and admired the seven tiny stitches in the laceration. For those stalwart souls who, along with me, appreciate such things, I've added an extra photo of me sans bandage. 

Thanks to those who suggested arnica gel or cream to reduce swelling; I've applied it twice to the bruised areas and it does seem to be making a difference. And a special thanks to all who have sent good wishes in their comments from across the miles and time zones!

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