Making a display

Early morning bird visitors to Tsuken's deck kept me taking photos until the battery on the Pentax ran out of power. Put it on to charge and then went for a run with the wee Nikon. Although telling S that I would not be long, I ended up being out for an hour. 

Having started out to go to the end of the access road to the Sassafras Gully Track, I kept going until I reached there. Despite having stopped repeatedly as my attention was caught by various bird calls, causing me to take much longer than expected. My return was more energetic and with few stops. 

One stop was subsequently pleasing, as I managed a photo of a smallish bird high in a tree. Even though I was using the totally automatic Nikon, the photo was good enough for Tsuken to identify it as a Little (Brush) Wattlebird. The 14th different bird species in the last three days. 

A quiet morning here with some more birds to look at, and photograph including this Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. By the time it came to call, the Pentax battery was fully charged and I was able to use it.

Afternoon we went to the excellent bookshop in Springwood to get a book each for the little Tsukens. Also found a couple of books for S and me. Then back here, and more birds. The Blue Mountains area has many birds. A lot of pleasing photos, the most satisfying being of a Bassian Thrush on the lawn of the neighbouring property. Not a high quality photo, but 15th bird of the visit and one I've not seen before.

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