Plus ça change...

By SooB

The Plank

This is the only way 'planking' is going to enter my life.  A dull photo, taken only to prove to Mr B that I was not breaking myself carrying buckets of stuff up the steps.  (That was yesterday, but shush, yeah?) As it happens, my shoulder hurts in a bad way today - so pushing a wheelbarrow is clearly worse.

School office in the morning, but not for long, then garden, then a bunch of deliveries (including a neighbour delivering a dead snake he thought I might like.  I really can't think of anything I might have done that would have given him this impression.)  Later a school meeting at which I was not forced onto a committee!  (Small victories.  Though this was on the basis that everyone was under the impression that you can't be a member of the committee I'm already on, and at the same time be a member of this other one.  I didn't enlighten them.)

Tomorrow I can put off a detestable and scary school accounts task no longer...

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