
By Appreciation


There isn't much to see, no great colour changes or dramatic landscape and yet I find myself staring at this image.  The stillness, the calm are both welcome. Yesterday this reservoir was full of geese gathering on the water getting ready to head off for the winter.  The noise was incredible.  The twitchers were out in full force as there were allegedly some rare geese among them.  

Later on I was at the water's edge feeding the swan known as 'William'. William and Flora have been coming to the reservoir for a number of years.  This year Flora made a nest and then sadly there was a flurry of feathers and Flora has never been seen since.  William looked sad.  The farmer intends to feed William over the winter in the hope that he will stay and perhaps bring a new mate to the same spot next year.  

It wouldn't be a bad place to spend the summer lazing around.  I hope he manages to return happier.

My boy is playing football against Edinburgh University tonight and for the first time ever he asked his mother to stay away.  I understand why. but it was a little moment for me.  They lost - ha, that's because I wasn't at the sidelines intimidating cheering them on!

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