Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Red Rose

I stopped at the rose garden on the way to the mall library today.  The sun came out just in time, although sometimes a cloudy day is better for photography...depending on the subject matter.  I back blipped yesterday's offering, by the way. It's kind of cute, so hit that back arrow. I enjoyed fiddling with this in Picasa.  

I went to the library, stopped by to pick up prints for my aunt, went to collect a Baby Ben clock that has been sitting for 3 weeks at a clock shop and took it to a different place.  Why I didn't go there in the first place is beyond me as this man works from his home and I pass by it often as it's not far from my house. He will have the estimate to get this little clock fixed tomorrow.  The other guy, The Russian, hadn't done that, so I told them "Time's Up!"  The new guy that will look at this clock said that the owner of the clock shop had sold out to The Russian and that he was more a watch guy than a clock guy.  I felt for a moment like I'd entered a Robert Ludlum spy story.  Me:  "I got the clock from The Russian." Him:  "Good, they aren't really clock guys".  Me: "He had it for 3 weeks."   Him:  "I'll have what you need by tomorrow".   

Tomorrow is aunty errand day.  Supposed to be wonderful weather, so that's always nice to not have to deal with rain when I drive her around.  

Maybe I'll even find a photo...who knows.  Maybe The Russian knows.  ;)

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