Journey Through Time

By Sue

Orange Dahlia

Another offering for my 'art gallery'.  I chose to enhance this vibrant orange dahlia, trying to make it a little more interesting.  I selected a lovely double mat with a stylish grey frame.  I hope you like it. This was in the yard of my aunt's neighbor and wow, they are huge and tall.  

I went to my Physical Therapy today. (Well, Blip-wise, that would be tomorrow)  My frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis,   is improving. I think one more session and they will probably kick me out.  I have a new exercise to do that stretches the part of my shoulder that is preventing me from much movement when I try to put my arm behind my back.  You know...reach back and hike up your pants in the middle of your back.  Easy, right?  Well, easy on the good side, and not possible on the bad side. But I can raise my arm over my head much better.  I'm sure you are all thrilled to know this...but maybe I'll want to know about this in the future and I will have this down.  I'm back blipping this, so this is posted on the Back to the Future day.  (I'm back blipping and talking about the future.  Lame, I know)

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