Seducing the Sweet Pea

......Not quite sure what my fascination is with skeletons of late......could be the Halloween is coming up ....could be that I live with a kid who is obsessed with bones and skeletons......could be that they are  just really fabulous  and intriguing. 

I know I have taken many pics of flowers this week ...but I have had some marvellous specimens to play with  and today I spied this little sweet pea.....the only flower in our garden.......which got ripped out (I won't go into how)...anyway I thought I would celebrate its existence no matter how short and sweet by taking its portrait. It was also a good time to try out the little light box Jaiya got me for my Birthday.

I have been in the bowls of my office cleaning and sorting a throwing out was nice to come up for a play on the computer.

“Poetry is a rich, full-bodied whistle, cracked ice crunching in pails, the night that numbs the leaf, the duel of two nightingales, the sweet pea that has run wild, Creation's tears in shoulder blades.” 
Boris Pasternak

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