Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I have a headache and my lungs, ribs what ever hurt again like when I had the mega virus except I don't need a trip to the hospital or the paramedics. I feel like I've been punched between the shoulder blades. And I have a tickly cough, you know there is just something there in your throat but you just can't seem to dislodge it. I'm thinking maybe I should book myself in to see the vet I am sure they will give me some antibiotics. Maybe I should dig out some articles about how antibiotics can actually help people with ME. Or maybe I need the steriod tablets again to help with the inflammation that i think is happening along with this sodding virus. I'm sick of being sick, I used to get a sort of respite in the winter but ever since the relapse I've virus after virus and I'm tired of sick or should that be sicker?

Anyway I have to do some adulting tomorrow there is a large pile of post that I must pluck up the courage to deal with, the last few areas of my life where the anxiety still has its grip and ironically it leads to the anxiety growing as I miss things and then end up having to pay extra or grovelling or praying that I can keep the juggling act going. Still now I have a laptop I can finally do some overtime at work as I can do it from home - extra money yay - slowly I will crawl out of the financial mess that anxiety and illness left me in. I also need to control the spending that anxiety leads me to do. I try and restrict it to little things but I can feel I'm on the edge of going out of control :(

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