Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


The baby food is a great way to get jeeves to take the yucky oral antibiotics. He bit me this morning when I was trying to do his ear drops.

Post mountain has now been opened, there was my special time chip to stick to the back of my half marathon medal, hospital appointment for Mr Mouse, and stuff to file away like bank statements only one thing required money but its all sorted now (well not the filing part), just need to keep on top of it. I am better than I was at dealing with it just not quite up to full adult level just yet.

In other news after a very long time without an oven and all the researching I've been doing I finally found one that I think I will be very happy with. Still electric as I have no choice about that but I've ordered a multifunction one with lots of useful setting for baking including a proving function for bread dough which I am looking forwards to trying out. If I still can't bake a decent sponge I will throw a tantrum. Worked out I need to do around 6 weeks of overtime to pay for it, in the mean time my credit card has been abused.

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