Nearly gone

A good day to forget. The expenses kept piling up, as we heard dire - and not entirely unexpected – news about the wiring, as well as agreeing that while were messing about with the roof, we’d better finally replace the floor tiles. These were laid to close together some years ago and have pushed up in places, broken in others.
So then there was a trip to the city with our handyman (well, I hope he’s handy, his record has been patchy at times) to buy roof insulation and new doors for a cupboard in the patio. That wrote off the morning and work wrote off the afternoon.  I’m considering a nervous breakdown, but it might be a waste of time.
Glancing out of the door earlier, I saw the neighbour’s irises, prostrate on the pavement. They were stunning, but by the time I got out there later with the camera, they were already curling up. Still beautiful, though, so I slid a piece of velvet under them, feeling that they deserved a better backdrop than her ugly tiles.

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