Pink in the morning.

Start the day with an outing. I love this as The Bossess decided to walk me to breakfast…hers not mine…I had had mine…Then again I could have shared hers too…no, that wouldn’t have worked ‘Cos they would not have let me in the Cafe…I think this conversation should stop now…Right.
Errr where was I?…
Oh Yes I was walking to Florence's Cafe with The Bossess and The Boss got there first so walked bark to meet us and was I EVER pleased to see him coming down the road. I am always pleased to see The Boss ‘Cos well I am just pleased to see him…OK?
There was a devious plan that I would hop in Suzz and have a snooze while they got some Monk to cook eggs. 

Anyway thats how this pic got to happen. (Nothing to do with the Monk). The Boss got out of Suzz to walk bark and there it was. A very difficult Blip. He had to get down on the ground…That’s not the difficult bit. Then he had to get up again. Ok I am sure you get the message. Some of his friends are noisier about this than he is including The Bossess. Having 4 legs is easier I think. Maybe being 49 (dog years) is easier too. I think I will stop while I am ahead here. 

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