Tings and Ciaran.

We've had a wonderful day here....sunny most of the day, and after all that rain over the past few days, it has been a welcomed change. mind you, the garden badly needed a good soaking!

After i loaded the glaze kiln and got it going, Terry and i took the afternoon off. There are so many wonderful aspects to having wwoofers around, they are usually very interesting and lovely young people, but the other side is there is always someone in the house, which is such a contrast to the rest of the year, when it's just Terry, me and the dogs!!! it's not a bad thing, it's just a different vibe, and so i'm getting good at taking time away to do things either on my own or just with Terry. So we headed off and had a walk on the beach, then to the local garden centre. i usually like to put some lovely colourful flowers and plants in containers in front of the studio, and usually i've done it by now. So we went to Brookside and i got a lovely array of flowers.

A walk down by the water in Baddeck and then home to make dinner. Ciaran prepared a delicious dish of potatoes, onions, green and yellow peppers, roasted in the oven. we had burgers on the bbq...and i made us mojitos.....they were a great success!

Here are Tings and Ciaran planning their next adventure. they are heading off in a day or two, to explore Newfoundland. We will miss them, they have been a wonderful addition to the household...they've done a brilliant job on the painting of the window frames!

I wouldn't advise going big on this one....the window is so dirty....but maybe Tings lovely face will be a good distraction!

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