
It seems that the Barbers got confused with the Butchers yesterday and to those that noticed…WOOF!!
To those that didn’t…….

Guess what…It snowed last night which just goes to show that fruitphones kno a thing or 3  about sheep (wether) 

The Boss took a pic but as we went out after the sun came out again and found this divine shot you don’t get to see it but it was not much and has all gone now anyway. It was however a bit of a return to winter and The Bossess won the missing favourite person award when The Boss found she had (in a frugal moment no doubt) turned off the heated towel rail in the bathroom. I went downstairs and hid. Asyoudo. The Boss however employed an amazing tech alternative and simply dropped his towel on the floor which was on a timer heater thingie and probably to complicated for The Bossess to fiddle with.

So…Exec summery…If in doubt drop stuff on the floor. Blokes find this really easy. 

Later in the day The Boss and I watched a live video from one of N.Z’s really important companies AGM, whose skills are pivotal in bringing this valuable message to you, and super fast fibre broadband to thousands,  and he felt so proud as she addressed the assembled multitudes that he forgave her, sorta.
Memo to The Bossess…Bring Chocolate.

Vineyards have all those wires all over the place so the art finish was rolled out again. 

Pawscript. This is Rippon Vineyard. Two barks, a couple of marks and 27 sniffs from home.


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