
By AnnieBScotland

leisurely walk...

up our local hill - Tinto Hill - with my friend Davey on a hazy, sunny morning. Though not particularly high, 2500ft, it is a long, undulating hill, two miles to the top, you can see the cairn as a pimple on the horizon.

a regular route, we always collect rubbish on the way down, and in spite of the sign at the start, imploring people to take their rubbish home, it is amazing what we collect. It never ceases to amaze me that people make the effort to climb to the top to enjoy the lovely views and the fresh air, then dump all their crap! what makes people think that if they bury a plastic sandwich case under three rocks it will magically disappear! how is that easier than just popping it into your rucksack?

today we picked up the shattered remains of a wine bottle, deliberately smashed on a rock, just off the path, so it wouldn't be seen, not to mention the numerous water bottles, mars bar wrappers and soggy tissues [we have tongs!]

sorry - rant over - it was a lovely couple of hours with one of the happiest, and fittest, people I know. there's about 4 more pics here on flikr

what now? gardening, or the tennis on TV? tough choice!

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