Long Night

Ok This was last night or early this morning…Take your pic.
Well that’s what The Boss did…eventually, take a pic but it involved a zzz in the bark of Suzz while he went to the movies to wait for dark and another zzz in the bark 0f Suzz while he staggered around in the dark trying to set his camera up and I was really pleased when he gave up in the small wee hours and we went home for more zzz. In fact he didn’t even look at the pics until after breakie.

This was his first attempt at “Live Composite”  mode on the Olympus E1 and considering he never knew it existed until Mr O sent an email newsletter and detailed how it worked about a month ago the first attempt was fun.

The principal is that you take the first shot and then the camera keeps taking shots for up to 3 hours but only adds new material to the image and therefore the bright bits don’t get completely burn’t out. Sorta. Right. 
I suspect there will be more of this now he has an app that makes a red screen on his iPhone for night camera setting activity and he has a better idea how this works and he has practised getting focus inside a coal mine with the candles blown out.
But it is Footie time tomoro morning so it is early to bed…early to rise and hopefully watch The All Blacks take the prize.

I have my paws crossed. It is very hard to walk this way.

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