
By pensionspoet


Don't worry. No spoilers for the handful of people who haven't seen it yet (Mollie). We are sitting in row D waiting for curtain up. Don't you just love this Art Deco - esque organ. The cinema screen is only slightly larger than most modern flat screen tvs and the cinema itself is lovely and dated!

The day began foggy again. By the time I got to work it was torrential rain and at 7.30 this evening as we drove in to Cromer, the temperature said 15 degrees! It is the 4th November and what erratic weather conditions we continue to experience.

Today was busy as always. At lunch I did a bit of Xmas shopping plus visited my favourite bead shop. Home by 6pm and Henry had cooked tea again. Jon arrived just after me. He'd even made us both a cup of tea. We've got great kids!

Phone off - I've got a night off & the film trailers are starting. Now I've just gotta stay awake...,

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