
By pensionspoet

A day of ups and downs

Just me & Henry today. I got up early as I had the dog walking to do. I also had my hair to do, which I consider more important and eminently more enjoyable, but the dogs are still there, wanting a walk.

Henry was up before I left with them. At least it is lighter for their walk in the morning now the clock had gone back. I got back at 7.10 as Henry was finishing his breakfast. After a rushed morning to get my breakfast and lunch done I left at 7.35 once Henry was on his bus.

Work was busy and I was organised. At lunchtime something happened that I thought would never happen to me. I bumped into someone (two people) I know in the city! Ok, it was James from work and his lovely lady Sarah, who has the week off, but it brightened my day!

I went on to wander around the market. This stall is one of Mollie's favourites. This jacket caught my eye and took me back to the 15 year old me. I didn't have a lot of fashionable clothes, but I did have a jacket just like this one. I was desperate for it then - not so much now - but I was tempted! This 'vintage' clothing is mostly 80's! How old do I feel now?!

Busy again in the afternoon I left just before 5. While waiting for the bus I got a text from Henry asking if I wanted veggie burger and pasta for tea. Bless him. Home at 5.45 he was busy in the kitchen. Dinner was lovely. I washed up.

So now my disaster. It pains me still to even think about it. And I also know it is ridiculous & pathetic for me to feel like this, but my 7 pairs of snowmen earrings have been relegated to the dustbin. I baked them in the top oven. Stupid me. It must have been too hot. So the last two evenings wasted. I wanted to cry, but managed not to. So feeling rubbish I've just eaten a fudge AND a curly wurly. That's stuffed up any idea of dieting for this week.

Just wishing there was an easier way for me to make a bit if extra money. But I'm not making more snowmen tonight. So I'm going to bed even earlier than planned.


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