It's a Bug's Life

I was at the park today still trying to get my swallow picture. I'm getting better. Now, almost half (of about 350 today) my pictures have swallows in them albeit blurred. Of those one of them was in complete focus and a really nice shot. About 10 others were right on the money with the focus but it's been overcast for a few weeks and I can't get the shutter speed fast enough for them to come out perfectly. Getting closer though and a sunny day might see me post one of my pics.

While I was there, a few interesting things. I ALMOST got an AMAZING picture. I was focussed on a hovering dragonfly when a brown shrike attacked it. about a quarter of a second earlier with my 'click' and I would have had the bird with talons forward about to strike. As it was, I just got a pic of a hovering dragonfly and the next frame was the blurred bird with the talons in focus.

The other thing.. I saw a few dead fish floating.. At first, I thought "poison water" but then I remembered I have seen a few people letting fish go in the pond, so I assume someone let these go and they just didn't like the water. THere was a water skimmer on one of them and I took a few pictures. I took a few frames of something else, and when I went back to my original fish, there were two water skimmers mating on it.

I dunno.. but I think I coudl find bette places in that park to have sex other than on a dead fish. Oh well.. Each to their own.. hehehehe

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