
Today's picture was going to be from Ben's playdate today, the one that got cancelled yesterday, the one that Ben was desperately upset about missing! But then, trying to get back into bed tonight after going to get a drink, I discovered my place had been shrunken. Charley went back down and then rolled towards where I should be, and Ben was doing a sort of sideways starfish. And it made me smile and chuckle and I had to record it just for a smile later on. And now I'm blipping it :) Ben moved out of the way happily enough though, and they both remain asleep now I'm back in between them, so all is well.

Popped out this morning to give Steve a chance to phone the solicitors. We went to pick up a Photobox parcel from the Post Office, and we've been so busy the rest of the day that I've still not opened it! It's a handful of enlargement prints of my recent artwork, primarily as colour proofs but also useful for display at sales and whatnot, rather than full size poster prints. Hopeful that they are ok!! Look me up on facebook, "the messy mama", if you want to see the latest artwork :) I've got another one waiting in my head, the white paint pen has been purchased, all I need to do is photograph the painted background properly before I draw on it because I love it as it is as well! Tomorrow I will see if Ben will do at least bits of my crafts so I can photograph them.

So yes, Steve phoned the solicitors this morning and is going to see them tomorrow morning. All in God's hands - and the solicitors!

Over lunch, while Charley slept, I did a whole lot more craft kit prep. And then Joshua and his mummy came round! Ben was so happy. I love that he's really made friends with the slightly older children in Sparklers at church! Joshua starts school in September... they're all growing up so fast.... So they played with cars, and we got the playdough out and it was gooey and sticky and chocolatey and play was slighty crazed as they both decided to bury the toy tractors I left out for them, and then they played Mario Kart on the Wii for a bit.

Ben was SOOOO tired after Joshua went home though, he is still fighting off this cold. He didn't last much beyond 5pm and I gave up and took both boys off to bed for a sleep. Ben stayed there until about 10ish, woke for a chocolate finger, and went back to sleep with us. Charley came down with me after an hour or so, and we had pie for dinner. Delicious pie!! Steve made it, pastry, filling and all. I think next time I'll do the pastry but the filling was gorgeous :D Charley agreed wholeheartedly!

Baked the remaining lemon biscuits after tea. They smell good. Very good...

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