As I See It?

Well there is science out on that and apparently I can see some colour but being a Dog I don’t kno what colour I am seeing as I never got a book as a puppy with cute stories about Apples, Oranges and Cabbage. Really don’t mind not knowing about Cabbage as I am not all that keen on the smell and The Boss won’t have it in the house anyway as it is against his beliefs.
Basically he does not believe in cabbage.  Right!
There are a number of things that he does not believe in and I am perfectly happy to help him out but not Cabbage. Well I think it’s cabbage. It might be something similar because I never got a book as a puppy with pictures of stuff and a human to Bark translator box.
Anyway if anything falls of the kitchen bench it is probably because he doesn’t believe in it so the least I can do is…………

Hey …what a grrreat response to yesterdays poppies. Big Barking thanks.

So ‘Cos he was feeling guilty for all the iPhone pics we took the Olympus today. Better still, bigger!


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