Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast


.....the weather, you can only get SO wet!

Talking about the weather we had an awful lot of it yesterday afternoon and evening in the North was proper armageddon stuff with crashes, bangs and flashes and torrential downpours that just kept on coming, resulting in a minor kitchen flood chez meancoast. I used every towel in the house to mop up, the washing machine is working overtime (luckily no power cuts though apparently there's areas of Whitley Bay still 'dark').....but y'know something, I absolutely loved it, even all the mopping up was worth it (oh, and the kitchen floor looks a lot cleaner!)

Obligatory youtube link

Have a great weekend when it comes blipmates!

EDIT....just noticed that my 2 years ago blip was the day my early retirement deal was confirmed....time certainly flies when you're having fun!

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