
By AnnieBScotland


Three years ago today we got the sort of phone call every parent dreads. Iain, newly graduated, went off to spend his 21st in Thailand on the way to a gap year in Australia. Three weeks in, he was rushed to hospital having suffered a 'pituitary apoplexy' - a massive tumour in the pituitary gland that burst. The trauma has left Iain totally blind and brain damaged.

We don't know how we got through that first year - 3 weeks in hospital in Thailand, 3 months in hospital back in Scotland, 5 months at a brain injury unit - but we did. The support of family and friends was amazing and the courage and downright good humour of this boy who has had his life turned upside down was inspirational.

This sort of tragedy hits families every single day, we are far from unique. You CAN survive. My purpose in sharing this is not for sympathy, it is simply to urge anyone going through anything remotely similar to hang in there, do your best and take help wherever and whenever it is offered. And time is still the great healer.

Some advice:

- always get travel insurance - £130 backpackers policy got us £100k of medical treatment
- look after your eyes. Blurry vision doesn't necessarily just mean you need glasses
- shout loud to get the best you can
- take it one day at a time
- remember to be thankful for all the good things
- enjoy every day, you don't know what is round the corner
- love your family and friends, for they can be a tower of strength

- wear sunscreen!

Sorry - the last just to lighten things up a bit! For anyone who doesn't get it, take 5 and watch the youtube clip

Iain is doing great - his memory and sense of humour are intact, he lives independently near us, uses an iphone and mac almost as well as anyone, is a member of Scotland's only blind 10 pin bowling club, the Saltire Strikers, and comes with me to aquafit once a week. And last year he abseiled off the Titan Crane in Glasgow to raise money for charity!

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