La vida de Annie

By Annie

Calamares a la plancha

Today the plumber came with rods to tackle the drain blockage. He removed the loo. Unfortunately the water was above floor level so gallons spilled out all over the apartment. Minnie was so surprised she took refuge in a dog basket which was in danger of floating away.
Mopping up was great fun.
The plumber had rods to reach up to 20 metres but this did not reach the blockage. He said he would return the next day with more rods and a camera. At this I protested pitifully - being without facilities for another day was not something I wanted. Luckily the plumber was a fellow Yorkshireperson and could see the sense in that, so he went and got the equipment and came back, quite a round trip for him I think, so well done that man.
With the aid of said equipment and a sensor gizmo which made a horrible squealing sound when it detected the camera, it was discovered that the blockage was outside, at 22 metres from the entry point, so luckily under a garden not the floor tiles. He marked the spot with a plant pot and left, promising that a Spanish builder would be round the next day to dig up and fix the pipe. Progress, however slow.
Not being able to stand the stinky, waterless apartment any longer, we went to the shop for necessary ablutions (20km is quite far to go for a wash and a wee), and a consolation meal at the big supermarket.
I chose to blip that rather than any of the other nasties....

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